This individualism extends to personal responsibility that all choices are you own, even only how you react to random events. As Satan would not be subjugated to another, so it should be with the Satanist. and you must follow what other d ildos tell you to.Satan represents the individual spirit, the urge to fend for the self, serve the self, and rely on the self.

in fact, prob so dumb that you cant use your own mind gifted to you. This song in MY opinion, is CLEARLY SATANIC! AND THATS WHY I LOVE IT!!! HAIL SATAN!!!! you honestly think those baby raping pieces of trash could ever knock a banger like this? u dumb. He is the one that revealith a new King, bla bla trust me nobody cares but im actually glad you see something for what you want cool. He is the creator and the one who planted the seed of life. He is revealing himself to her, He has looked through the spectum of time and opened her eyes to truth. It is the God of living waters, He has diamonds of light that radiate throughout his body. You are all wrong, The song represents something she has seen in a vision.
Nice try, but hey thats free thinking so youre already on a left path Is it about chris brown? sure? satan? sure cuz satan is everything around us, he is the light. thanks im gonna name the mothership in your honor. we burned down 763 churches just for you and started a satanic ufo suicide cult. also my phone wont stop ringing with recruits. and ya know what? i rather liked what i saw! thank you! you have converted me from an evangelical dip s hit to using my own brain today. so, sure u convinced me.in fact, i liked the song, AND you overwhelming proved to me it, you said look it up! so i did.

YES ok, but guess what peaches.ANY SONG can, if you want it to. to the person that above, who is just aching to prove to you that this song has a satanic agenda. cuz im not insane like youtube freasks blabla dont core if the illumanit is hidingjkf in my dollar bills or some crap.Ĭuz had NOTHING TO DO with ME or Im willing bet you. slappin mixītw, i hardly ever have this impression on pop songs. i dont know Sia, or much about her, none of my biz really.im just here to double check the lyrics cuz love it, and was for ME, about Lucifer, satan, that guy.and i LOVE IT AND HAIL SATAN! he is the light and yes, great tune. I would say yes, it probably is kabbalah focused. more sinister than your standard jeeezuz anything.certainly not. do some? well, lets just call it occult or spiritualism. Uh do i think tons of songs have an "illuminati" agenda.nope. Superstars on the planet eventually die and are forgotten, they will never be as immortal as a shooting star in the sky, as Rihanna hopes. Under the influence of these drugs they feel as though they are stronger and better than when on their own, without drugs or each other so she wants them to continue to do what it takes to shine like a star, or, in Rihanna's and Chris' case, a superstar on the planet. They are doing these drugs together and dancing, arms up with palms in the sky, to the universe. Moonshine is a type of very strong liquor that is homemade in the South and Molly is a street-name for the drug ecstasy. She wants them to just go on loving each other tonight and to be on the same page with that love, eye to eye, in the way they feel and make love with each other. She knew right away that they would connect and that this connection would be deeper than any love she has ever felt. When he holds her she feels more alive and they both are shining like diamonds or stars in the sky. Her referring to him as a "vision of ecstasy" is a play on the words as it is no secret she and Brown partook in the recreational use of the drug together as was seen in her video for We Found Love. Her emotions are as deep as the sea, and after all the pain she has through with him she still found her light and chooses to be happy by keeping a friendly relationship with Chris Brown despite all the strong opinions the media voices about her decision to remain in contact with him. Rihanna is telling Chris to shine bright in his fame. This is not the first time she has referred to herself and Brown as "diamonds" as she did so in the Calvin Harris song We Found Love when she referred to them as "yellow diamonds in the light", another song obviously about Brown. This song is about her relationship with Chris Brown.